
How UFO data is read, written and validated

ufoLib2 structures UFO data for easy programmatic access, but the actual data is read, written and validated by fontTools.ufoLib. This helps keep the base code used by various UFO libraries in one place.

ufoLib has the concept of lazy loading. Instead of loading everything eagerly up-front, glyphs, images and data files are loaded into memory as they are accessed. This speeds up access and saves memory when you only want to access or modify something specific.

You can choose lazy or eager loading at the top level in Font.open(). You can load everything eagerly after the fact with Font.unlazify() or selectively with LayerSet.unlazify(), Layer.unlazify(), ImageSet.unlazify() and DataSet.unlazify(). Copying a font implicitly loads everything eagerly before.

You can choose to validate data during loading and saving at the top level in Font.open() and Font.save(). This may help if you are working with faulty data you want to fix programmatically.

Copying objects

All objects are made to support deep copies with the copy module from the standard library. Any lazily loaded data on the way down will be loaded into memory for the copy:

import copy

Since ufoLib2 does not keep track of “parent” objects, the copied objects can be freely inserted elsewhere:

font["glyphNameCopy"] = copy.deepcopy(font["glyphName"])

Defcon’s API can’t be matched exactly

ufoLib2 is meant to be a thin wrapper around the UFO data model and intentionally does not implement some of defcon’s properties:

  1. ufoLib2 does not keep track of “parents” of objects like defcon does. This makes it impossible to implement some methods that implicitly access the parent object, like defcon’s bounds property on e.g. Glyph objects, which needs access to the parent layer to resolve components. ufoLib2 then implements similar methods that ask for a layer parameter.

  2. ufoLib2 does not support notifications, as that concerns only font editing applications.

Handling of the public.objectLibs lib key

ufoLib2 implements handling of public.objectLibs (see https://github.com/unified-font-object/ufo-spec/issues/115), but instead of attaching libs directly to the objects where they belong, they stay in a font’s and glyph’s lib and have to be retrieved with Font.objectLib() and Glyph.objectLib(), respectively.

Using a higher-up lib means objects can get libs on UFO v3 without format changes, but complicates adding libs to the objects directly. Since ufoLib2 intentionally lacks defcon’s parent-child object hierarchy, a guideline can’t follow a link to the containing parent and access its lib. Magically loading and storing the public.objectLibs lib key on loading and saving a UFO adds an uncomfortable amount of magic and edge-casiness. What if a client itself adds a public.objectLibs entry for an object that differs from what is in that object’s lib? Overwrite, ignore, error out? With the .objectLib method, this edge case does not exist.