Source code for ufoLib2.objects.glyph

from copy import deepcopy
from typing import Any, Dict, Iterator, List, Mapping, Optional, Tuple, Union

import attr
from fontTools.misc.transform import Transform
from fontTools.pens.basePen import AbstractPen
from fontTools.pens.pointPen import (

from ufoLib2.objects.anchor import Anchor
from ufoLib2.objects.component import Component
from ufoLib2.objects.contour import Contour
from ufoLib2.objects.guideline import Guideline
from ufoLib2.objects.image import Image
from ufoLib2.objects.misc import BoundingBox, _object_lib, getBounds, getControlBounds
from ufoLib2.pointPens.glyphPointPen import GlyphPointPen
from ufoLib2.typing import GlyphSet, HasIdentifier

[docs]@attr.s(auto_attribs=True, slots=True, repr=False) class Glyph: """Represents a glyph, containing contours, components, anchors and various other bits of data concerning it. See Behavior: The Glyph object has list-like behavior. This behavior allows you to interact with contour data directly. For example, to get a particular contour:: contour = glyph[0] To iterate over all contours:: for contour in glyph: ... To get the number of contours:: contourCount = len(glyph) To check if a :class:`.Contour` object is in glyph:: exists = contour in glyph To interact with components or anchors in a similar way, use the :attr:`.Glyph.components` and :attr:`.Glyph.anchors` attributes. """ _name: Optional[str] = None width: float = 0 """The width of the glyph.""" height: float = 0 """The height of the glyph.""" unicodes: List[int] = attr.ib(factory=list) """The Unicode code points assigned to the glyph. Note that a glyph can have multiple.""" _image: Image = attr.ib(factory=Image) lib: Dict[str, Any] = attr.ib(factory=dict) """The glyph's mapping of string keys to arbitrary data.""" note: Optional[str] = None """A free form text note about the glyph.""" _anchors: List[Anchor] = attr.ib(factory=list) components: List[Component] = attr.ib(factory=list) """The list of components the glyph contains.""" contours: List[Contour] = attr.ib(factory=list) """The list of contours the glyph contains.""" _guidelines: List[Guideline] = attr.ib(factory=list) def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self.contours) def __getitem__(self, index: int) -> Contour: return self.contours[index] def __contains__(self, contour: Contour) -> bool: return contour in self.contours def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Contour]: return iter(self.contours) def __repr__(self) -> str: return "<{}.{} {}at {}>".format( self.__class__.__module__, self.__class__.__name__, f"'{self._name}' " if self._name is not None else "", hex(id(self)), ) @property def anchors(self) -> List[Anchor]: """The list of anchors the glyph contains. Getter: Returns a list of anchors the glyph contains. Modifications of the list modify the Glyph object. Setter: Clears current anchors and sets the new ones. """ return self._anchors @anchors.setter def anchors(self, value: List[Anchor]) -> None: self.clearAnchors() for anchor in value: self.appendAnchor(anchor) @property def guidelines(self) -> List[Guideline]: """The list of guidelines the glyph contains. Getter: Returns a list of guidelines the glyph contains. Modifications of the list modify the Glyph object. Setter: Clears current guidelines and sets the new ones. """ return self._guidelines @guidelines.setter def guidelines(self, value: List[Guideline]) -> None: self.clearGuidelines() for guideline in value: self.appendGuideline(guideline) @property def name(self) -> Optional[str]: """The name of the glyph.""" return self._name @property def unicode(self) -> Optional[int]: """The first assigned Unicode code point or None. See Setter: Sets the value to be the first of the assigned Unicode code points. Will remove a duplicate if exists. Will clear the list of Unicode points if value is None. """ if self.unicodes: return self.unicodes[0] return None @unicode.setter def unicode(self, value: Optional[int]) -> None: if value is None: self.unicodes = [] else: if self.unicodes: if self.unicodes[0] == value: return try: self.unicodes.remove(value) except ValueError: pass self.unicodes.insert(0, value) else: self.unicodes.append(value) @property def image(self) -> Image: """The background image reference associated with the glyph. See Setter: Sets the background image reference. Clears it if value is None. """ return self._image @image.setter def image(self, image: Optional[Union[Image, Mapping[str, Any]]]) -> None: if image is None: self._image.clear() elif isinstance(image, Image): self._image = image else: self._image = Image( fileName=image["fileName"], transformation=Transform( image["xScale"], image["xyScale"], image["yxScale"], image["yScale"], image["xOffset"], image["yOffset"], ), color=image.get("color"), )
[docs] def objectLib(self, object: HasIdentifier) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Return the lib for an object with an identifier, as stored in a glyph's lib. If the object does not yet have an identifier, a new one is assigned to it. If the font lib does not yet contain the object's lib, a new one is inserted and returned. .. doctest:: >>> from ufoLib2.objects import Font, Guideline >>> font = Font() >>> glyph = font.newGlyph("a") >>> glyph.guidelines = [Guideline(x=100)] >>> guideline_lib = glyph.objectLib(glyph.guidelines[0]) >>> guideline_lib[""] = 1234 >>> guideline_id = glyph.guidelines[0].identifier >>> assert guideline_id is not None >>> assert glyph.lib["public.objectLibs"][guideline_id] is guideline_lib """ return _object_lib(self.lib, object)
[docs] def clear(self) -> None: """Clears out anchors, components, contours, guidelines and image references.""" del self._anchors[:] del self.components[:] del self.contours[:] del self._guidelines[:] self.image.clear()
[docs] def clearAnchors(self) -> None: """Clears out anchors.""" del self._anchors[:]
[docs] def clearContours(self) -> None: """Clears out contours.""" del self.contours[:]
[docs] def clearComponents(self) -> None: """Clears out components.""" del self.components[:]
[docs] def clearGuidelines(self) -> None: """Clears out guidelines.""" del self._guidelines[:]
[docs] def removeComponent(self, component: Component) -> None: """Removes :class:`.Component` object from the glyph's list of components.""" self.components.remove(component)
[docs] def appendAnchor(self, anchor: Union[Anchor, Mapping[str, Any]]) -> None: """Appends an :class:`.Anchor` object to glyph's list of anchors. Args: anchor: An :class:`.Anchor` object or mapping for the Anchor constructor. """ if not isinstance(anchor, Anchor): if not isinstance(anchor, Mapping): raise TypeError( "Expected Anchor object or a Mapping for the ", f"Anchor constructor, found {type(anchor).__name__}", ) anchor = Anchor(**anchor) self.anchors.append(anchor)
[docs] def appendGuideline(self, guideline: Union[Guideline, Mapping[str, Any]]) -> None: """Appends a :class:`.Guideline` object to glyph's list of guidelines. Args: guideline: A :class:`.Guideline` object or a mapping for the Guideline constructor. """ if not isinstance(guideline, Guideline): if not isinstance(guideline, Mapping): raise TypeError( "Expected Guideline object or a Mapping for the ", f"Guideline constructor, found {type(guideline).__name__}", ) guideline = Guideline(**guideline) self._guidelines.append(guideline)
[docs] def appendContour(self, contour: Contour) -> None: """Appends a :class:`.Contour` object to glyph's list of contours.""" if not isinstance(contour, Contour): raise TypeError(f"Expected Contour, found {type(contour).__name__}") self.contours.append(contour)
[docs] def copy(self, name: Optional[str] = None) -> "Glyph": """Returns a new Glyph (deep) copy, optionally override the new glyph name.""" other = deepcopy(self) if name is not None: other._name = name return other
[docs] def copyDataFromGlyph(self, glyph: "Glyph") -> None: """Deep-copies everything from the other glyph into self, except for the name. Existing glyph data is overwritten. |defcon_compat| """ self.width = glyph.width self.height = glyph.height self.unicodes = list(glyph.unicodes) self.image = deepcopy(glyph.image) self.note = glyph.note self.lib = deepcopy(glyph.lib) self.anchors = deepcopy(glyph.anchors) self.guidelines = deepcopy(glyph.guidelines) # NOTE: defcon's copyDataFromGlyph appends instead of overwrites here, # but we do the right thing, for consistency with the rest. self.clearContours() self.clearComponents() pointPen = self.getPointPen() glyph.drawPoints(pointPen)
[docs] def move(self, delta: Tuple[float, float]) -> None: """Moves all contours, components and anchors by (x, y) font units.""" for contour in self.contours: contour.move(delta) for component in self.components: component.move(delta) for anchor in self.anchors: anchor.move(delta)
# ----------- # Pen methods # -----------
[docs] def draw(self, pen: AbstractPen) -> None: """Draws glyph into given pen.""" # TODO: Document pen interface more or link to somewhere. pointPen = PointToSegmentPen(pen) self.drawPoints(pointPen)
[docs] def drawPoints(self, pointPen: AbstractPointPen) -> None: """Draws points of glyph into given point pen.""" for contour in self.contours: contour.drawPoints(pointPen) for component in self.components: component.drawPoints(pointPen)
[docs] def getPen(self) -> AbstractPen: """Returns a pen for others to draw into self.""" pen = SegmentToPointPen(self.getPointPen()) return pen
[docs] def getPointPen(self) -> AbstractPointPen: """Returns a point pen for others to draw points into self.""" pointPen = GlyphPointPen(self) return pointPen
# lib wrapped attributes @property def markColor(self) -> Optional[str]: """The color assigned to the glyph. See Getter: Returns the mark color or None. Setter: Sets the mark color. If value is None, deletes the key from the lib if present. """ return self.lib.get("public.markColor") @markColor.setter def markColor(self, value: Optional[str]) -> None: if value is not None: self.lib["public.markColor"] = value elif "public.markColor" in self.lib: del self.lib["public.markColor"] @property def verticalOrigin(self) -> Optional[float]: """The vertical origin of the glyph. See Getter: Returns the vertical origin or None. Setter: Sets the vertical origin. If value is None, deletes the key from the lib if present. """ return self.lib.get("public.verticalOrigin") @verticalOrigin.setter def verticalOrigin(self, value: Optional[float]) -> None: if value is not None: self.lib["public.verticalOrigin"] = value elif "public.verticalOrigin" in self.lib: del self.lib["public.verticalOrigin"] # bounds and side-bearings
[docs] def getBounds(self, layer: Optional[GlyphSet] = None) -> Optional[BoundingBox]: """Returns the (xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax) bounding box of the glyph, taking the actual contours into account. Args: layer: The layer of the glyph to look up components, if any. Not needed for pure-contour glyphs. """ if layer is None and self.components: raise TypeError("layer is required to compute bounds of components") return getBounds(self, layer)
[docs] def getControlBounds( self, layer: Optional[GlyphSet] = None ) -> Optional[BoundingBox]: """Returns the (xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax) bounding box of the glyph, taking only the control points into account. Args: layer: The layer of the glyph to look up components, if any. Not needed for pure-contour glyphs. """ if layer is None and self.components: raise TypeError("layer is required to compute bounds of components") return getControlBounds(self, layer)
[docs] def getLeftMargin(self, layer: Optional[GlyphSet] = None) -> Optional[float]: """Returns the the space in font units from the point of origin to the left side of the glyph. Args: layer: The layer of the glyph to look up components, if any. Not needed for pure-contour glyphs. """ bounds = self.getBounds(layer) if bounds is None: return None return bounds.xMin
[docs] def setLeftMargin(self, value: float, layer: Optional[GlyphSet] = None) -> None: """Sets the the space in font units from the point of origin to the left side of the glyph. Args: value: The desired left margin in font units. layer: The layer of the glyph to look up components, if any. Not needed for pure-contour glyphs. """ bounds = self.getBounds(layer) if bounds is None: return None diff = value - bounds.xMin if diff: self.width += diff self.move((diff, 0))
[docs] def getRightMargin(self, layer: Optional[GlyphSet] = None) -> Optional[float]: """Returns the the space in font units from the glyph's advance width to the right side of the glyph. Args: layer: The layer of the glyph to look up components, if any. Not needed for pure-contour glyphs. """ bounds = self.getBounds(layer) if bounds is None: return None return self.width - bounds.xMax
[docs] def setRightMargin(self, value: float, layer: Optional[GlyphSet] = None) -> None: """Sets the the space in font units from the glyph's advance width to the right side of the glyph. Args: value: The desired right margin in font units. layer: The layer of the glyph to look up components, if any. Not needed for pure-contour glyphs. """ bounds = self.getBounds(layer) if bounds is None: return None self.width = bounds.xMax + value
[docs] def getBottomMargin(self, layer: Optional[GlyphSet] = None) -> Optional[float]: """Returns the the space in font units from the bottom of the canvas to the bottom of the glyph. Args: layer: The layer of the glyph to look up components, if any. Not needed for pure-contour glyphs. """ bounds = self.getBounds(layer) if bounds is None: return None if self.verticalOrigin is None: return bounds.yMin else: return bounds.yMin - (self.verticalOrigin - self.height)
[docs] def setBottomMargin(self, value: float, layer: Optional[GlyphSet] = None) -> None: """Sets the the space in font units from the bottom of the canvas to the bottom of the glyph. Args: value: The desired bottom margin in font units. layer: The layer of the glyph to look up components, if any. Not needed for pure-contour glyphs. """ bounds = self.getBounds(layer) if bounds is None: return None # blindly copied from defcon Glyph._set_bottomMargin; not sure it's correct if self.verticalOrigin is None: oldValue = bounds.yMin self.verticalOrigin = self.height else: oldValue = bounds.yMin - (self.verticalOrigin - self.height) diff = value - oldValue if diff: self.height += diff
[docs] def getTopMargin(self, layer: Optional[GlyphSet] = None) -> Optional[float]: """Returns the the space in font units from the top of the canvas to the top of the glyph. Args: layer: The layer of the glyph to look up components, if any. Not needed for pure-contour glyphs. """ bounds = self.getBounds(layer) if bounds is None: return None if self.verticalOrigin is None: return self.height - bounds.yMax else: return self.verticalOrigin - bounds.yMax
[docs] def setTopMargin(self, value: float, layer: Optional[GlyphSet] = None) -> None: """Sets the the space in font units from the top of the canvas to the top of the glyph. Args: value: The desired top margin in font units. layer: The layer of the glyph to look up components, if any. Not needed for pure-contour glyphs. """ bounds = self.getBounds(layer) if bounds is None: return if self.verticalOrigin is None: oldValue = self.height - bounds.yMax else: oldValue = self.verticalOrigin - bounds.yMax diff = value - oldValue if oldValue != value: # Is this still correct when verticalOrigin was not previously set? self.verticalOrigin = bounds.yMax + value self.height += diff